Peel back a layer of smog from the LA sky and fold yourself into the
blanket of haze. The golden half-light catches glimmers that pass by
most eyes. Up here, there are treasures for those who tune in.
Matthewdavid operates In this magnetic cocoon, unspooling magic
radiance. His music reflects beautiful, fleeting moments and magnifies
them. Matthewdavid's compositions float like crackling clouds, antenna
amplifying the dreams of the city below. Matthewdavid is a man who builds with warm tones. He travels new paths
gathering sounds to enhance the intricate dimensions of his creations.
It was this hunt for inspired trails and blazing progress that pulled
him to California. Matthewdavid made the move from southern states and
was immediately embraced by the Los Angeles community. A willowy figure
with wide smiles, his gentle presence and generous talents made him a
welcome addition to internationally applauded LA creative circles:
dublab, Poo-Bah, Low End Theory and Brainfeeder. Constant collaboration
with these collectives helped inspire Matthewdavid to a build a
platform of his own. His Leaving Records label has an ear to the next
and an eye on the original. Through all these outlets Matthewdavid is
dedicated to sharing elevated sounds and visions. The songs unveiled on Outmind are destined for infinite replay. Light,
gauzy moments blend with those densely layered. The biggest swing gives
way to the slowest sway. These are classic jams obscured in fuzz and
fog. Nostalgic jeeps bump invisibly to thumping bass. Outmind was
lovingly crafted and resonates with Matthewdavid's heartfelt glow. His
music's mysterious simplicity sparks senses. These songs come from far
out to resonate within. Rotate your dial to a space between
frequencies. Catch these ghost channels of golden pop. Outmind blends
familiar rhythms with those lost long ago and others yet to come. Matthewdavid's live performances are akin to watching a sorcerer conjure
spirits from the deep. He pulls tones like artifacts from an astral
trail that ebbs and flows with fresh discoveries. Along the way
Matthewdavid collects exotic sound figures: spiraling amethyst cones and
wild flowering buds. He treats each found sound like a bright fiber to
be weaved into new waveforms. Outmind pulsates with this sense of
constant discovery. It is a mosaic sparkling with mystic, radiant
matter. As you listen to Outmind set your ears to slow dissolve. Let yourself
be wrapped in warmth and levitate skyward to an elegant high. This is
the place Matthewdavid resides and if you want to get into the mindset
you must get far far out out.